Our expert criminal defence solicitors have extensive experience of successfully defending clients accused of a wide range of criminal offences. We understand that being investigated or charged with a criminal offence is daunting and the outcome of your Court case might be life-changing. We will guide you through the court procedure, advise you of your rights and get you ready for your Court appearance(s).
Dallas & Richardson provides a 24-hour service for legal representation at Police stations in Merseyside and the North West. We can represent you from the first interview in the Police station all the way through to trial. Our services are funded by legal aid or privately.
Dallas & Richardson Solicitors was established in 2012 as a criminal law practice. Mark Dallas and Kevin Richardson are Partners within the firm, both with extensive experience and knowledge of criminal law.
Both Mark Dallas and Kevin Richardson are duty solicitors each with over 20 years experience dealing with all criminal matters ranging from minor prosecutions in the Magistrates Court, motoring offences, theft and dishonesty matters through to large scale drug conspiracies, manslaughter and murder trials.
The firm has acted for defendants across the country with extensive connections with other firms and Barristers Chambers.
Dallas & Richardson Solicitors have a legal aid contract with the Legal Aid Agency.
As with each and every client, we will firstly consider eligibility for legal aid (representation order). In the Magistrates Court this is subject to a means test. In cases before the Crown Court are also subject to a means test, but that would be with a view to assessing whether or not you would have to make a contribution towards the grant of legal aid.
If any client is ineligible for legal aid then it is this firm’s policy to charge fees at the legal aid rate. The excellent level of service is exactly the same but we do not believe it is in our client’s interests to have to pay over and above the legal aid rates that the practice would have received if you were eligible for legal aid.
You can contact us on our dedicated 24-hour telephone number 0151 229 1032.